Norppa Open General Information and Registration

General information

For the first time Norppa Open Longsword Tournament will be hosted at the EHMS salle on 13th of April 2019. The tournament is open to all longsword fencers and it is capped at 20 competitors.

Norppa Open will be using a new rules system so make sure you read the rules carefully. The tournament DOES NOT provide fencers with feders so you must bring your own.

To see updates and to ask questions go to our facebook event: Norppa Open Facebook

Rules and Gear Requirements

Please read through the rules carefully.

The structure of the tournament
Gear requirements

The tournament DOES NOT provide the weapons. All fencers must bring their own feder!

Date and Time

Norppa Open will take place on 13th of April at EHMS salle in Sörnäinen, Suvilahdenkatu 10. All fencers must be on site at 9:30.

Payment and Registration

Please register using the form at the bottom of this page!

Registering for the event costs 10€. We will send bills per email based on your registration. You can pay the bill using bank transfer. The registration will not be considered confirmed until payment has been received! The bill will have a due date 14 days from the date it is sent.

All participants must be at least 18 years old.
Questions? Contact us on the Facebook event page.
Please view the data privacy statement in English or in Finnish.


The registration has closed