Jack Gassmann’s longsword seminar


Jack Gassmann, a long time Swiss HEMA practitioner, is running a longsword workshop on Monday, 31 July, at the EHMS salle in Helsinki. The workshop will start at 17:00 and end at 21:00.

The workshop is limited to 24 people. The price for EHMS members is 50 € and for non-members, 60 €. The workshop will be held in English. Please scroll down to the bottom for the MyClub registration form!



Jack Gassmann started HEMA in 2008. He has been teaching and competing internationally for over a decade using his competitive experience to pressure test his understanding of Liechtenauers 5 words. He has taught on both sides of the Atlantic taking Bronze at the European games. Jack also researches and publishes on the military background of the Fechtbücher. His teaching style combines his research on historical training methods with modern sports science and his background in game design and horse training. He’s always happy to chat about historical context or Rossfechten.

The workshop – Lichtenauer’s system in military context

Lichtenauer’s Zettel with it’s trifecta of Blossfechten, Rossfechten and Harnessfechten was, whether nobility, mercenary or city Konstaffler aimed at medieval cavalry and it’s unique duties. We will be working hands on from period accounts to reconstruct the kinds of challenges that the people practicing these arts would have been facing and gain insights into why the early Lichtenauer system is the way it is.

Skill levels

These drills are suitable for all skill levels as they are partly about discovering techniques on their own.


The drills can be done slowly if you want, but it’s worth having medium sparring gear.