General information

Helsinki Bolognese Open 2016 -18© Timo Toropainen

Date and time

EHMS will host the sixth annual open sidesword competition on the 10th and 11th of August. Helsinki Bolognese Open 2018 has been relocated to the end of summer, and the main part of the event will happen at the Ruskeasuon urheiluhalli, Ratsastie 10. Those who have attended Helsinki Longsword Open in the past two years will recognize the place!

EHMS welcomes all fencers practicing Bolognese sidesword or other single-handed sword styles to test their skills in combat with the sword alone, sword and buckler, as well as in test cutting.

We cap the sidesword and sword and buckler tournaments at 40 participants each, which includes both men’s and women’s divisions. The cutting competition is capped at 20 participants.

We will provide swords for all tournaments, including the cutting tournament.

Please note that due to time restraints, the cutting competition will be held on Friday 10.8. at the EHMS training hall!


Venue info

The cutting tournament will be held at the EHMS salle on Friday. The address is Beckerintie 2, 00410 Helsinki, and you can reach it by train (the P train from Helsinki centre or the I train from the airport) or by bus (route 37, bus stop Luutnantinpolku). There is limited parking on the premises.

EHMS salle directions

On Saturday, the main tournament will take place at Ruskeasuon liikuntapuisto. This is the same venue that has hosted the Helsinki Longsword Open the past two years. The address is Ratsastie 10, 00280 Helsinki. The venue can be reached by several bus lines (bus stop Tilkka) and the tram line 10. There is plenty of parking available. Parking is free, but restricted to 4 hours.

Venue directions



EHMS will not provide insurance for the event. We highly recommend getting a sports insurance that covers full contact martial arts in a competition setting. Note that Finland does not have a national HEMA association, which is something some insurers may ask about.


First aid

There will be first aid staff on site during the event.


Contact info

You can contact the organisers by email at or through the Facebook event page.

Facebook event:


Payment and registration

Please register using the form at the bottom of this page!

The pricing of the event is as follows:

One tournament (either single sword or sword and buckler, women’s or mixed): 80 €
A second tournament: 15 €
Cutting tournament: 35 €

Note that you can’t sign up for both the women’s and the mixed division of a given tournament. The women’s tournaments are dependent on having a sufficient amount of participants. In case we don’t have at least 5 participants, the persons who have signed up will be offered a spot in the mixed division instead, or they can cancel the tournament for a full refund.

We will send bills per email based on your registration. You can pay the bill using bank transfer, or through Paypal.

The registration will not be considered confirmed until payment has been received! The bill will have a due date 14 days from the date it is sent. The bills will be sent in batches, so don’t worry if you don’t receive yours right away. The first batch will be sent the first week of May. Note that if you neglect to pay the bill within a month of issue, you will be dropped from the roster. Please contact us if you have questions regarding billing.

We will not issue refunds after 30.6.2018 without a good reason!

All participants must be at least 18 years old.

Questions? Contact us at or post a question on the Facebook event page.

Please view the data privacy statement in English or in Finnish.